1614 Placentia Avenue

Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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1614 Placentia Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Return to Trico Placentia Business Park


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Unit Features

  • Unit Type: Industrial
  • Parking Ratio: 2:1
  • Square Feet: 1,320

Property Features

  • Property Use Type: Industrial
  • Property Construction: Concrete Tilt-Up
  • Nearby Freeways: 55

Office Features

  • Office Square Footage: 240

Warehouse Features

  • Clearance: 12 ft
  • # of Ground Level Doors: 1
  • Ground Level Door Dimensions: 10'x10'


  • Amps: 100
  • 3 Phase: Yes
  • Volts: 120/208

Brochure / Floor Plan

    No downloads currently available.

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